Toe nail cutting and filing: Required for general maintenance.


Callus: Hard skin which can appear yellow in colour. Callus is a build up of dry skin caused by
pressure and friction. This build up of hard layers of skin can become uncomfortable to walk on.


Corns: These are caused by intermittent compressive stress over a bony prominence.

Hard corns are hard areas of skin with a central core. Soft corns only develop between the toes.


Cracked heels: This is a common foot problem and known as ‘fissures’. This is dry skin and callus,
which is not flexible causing the skin to crack. This can become very painful and sometimes bleed.


Ingrown toe nails: The most common cause is the incorrect cutting of toe nails. Caused by pressure

of the nail against the skin. This causes pain, swelling and can also lead to infection.


Fungal nail infections: The nail thickens and will appear discoloured
and in the advance stages, may be destroyed.


Athletes foot: This usually effects the skin between the toes and the
bottom of the foot. It is common with sweaty feet and is a fungus
which can spread. This can itch, burn, split and peel skin. It can be
sore and sometimes bleed.


Verrucas: This is a virus and appears as a rough lump on the skin
on the foot. They are usually harmless, however, can become painful.


Treatment consists of nail cut and file, any nail conditions addressed
eg thickened nails, corns and callus removed, feet sanded smooth
and foot massage with foot cream.

Kelly Johnson S.A.C. Dip FHPT  S.A.C. Dip FHPP

M: 07443 577898